Apache Pulsar学习笔记15: 将Pulsar集群接入到监控系统

Apache Pulsar学习笔记15: 将Pulsar集群接入到监控系统

📅 2022-01-06 | 🖱️
🔖 pulsar

上一节,使用Pulsar官方的Helm Chart在Kubernetes集群中规划并部署了生产可用的Pulsar集群。

在上一节,我们还留了一个小尾巴,在部署Pulsar集群时,禁用了监控相关的组件(promethues, grafana等)。 在以Kubernetes为基础的云原生基础架构中,肯定已经单独部署了以Prometheus为核心的各个监控组件,因此我们希望使用平台统一的Prometheus实现对Pulsar集群的监控。

本节将介绍如何将使用helm chart部署的Pulsar集群接入到已经存在的Prometheus监控系统中。

暴露监控指标给Prometheus #


Pulsar的各个组件内部都原生集成了Prometheus Exporter的功能。使用Helm Chart部署时,已经为我们在各个组件的manifest设置好了用于Prometheus抓取监控指标的annotation。 例如,Pulsar Proxy的StatefulSet的mainifest中:

3  template:
4    metadata:
6      annotations:
7        prometheus.io/port: '80'
8        prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'

也就是说,Pulsar的Proxy, Broker, Bookie, Zookeeper等组件默认就会向Kubernetes集群中的Prometheus暴露监控指标。

需要注意的是,Proxy组件如果开启了认证的话,处于安全考虑,Proxy组件的Prometheus Exporter端点也就自动开启了认证,为了确保Prometheus可以抓取到Proxy的监控指标, 这里关闭了Proxy组件监控端点的认证,以下是在pulsar helm chart values文件中关闭这个认证的配置。

4  configData:
5     PULSAR_PREFIX_authenticateMetricsEndpoint: "false"

啰嗦了半天,一句话概况就是,如果你是使用pulsar helm chart部署的,pulsar各个组件的各个监控指标会自动暴露给K8S中的Prometheus。



配置Grafana监控面板 #


https://github.com/streamnative/apache-pulsar-grafana-dashboard这个项目为Pulsar的各个组件提供了 Grafana 监控面板模板。Pulsar Helm Chart中使用的是streamnative/apache-pulsar-grafana-dashboard-k8s容器镜像,从该镜像中启动的容器中包含一个grafana实例并集成上这些监控面板模板。

因为我们这里的目标是不使用pulsar helm chart中内置的Prometheus和Grafana,而是使用外部Kubernetes集群中统一的Prometheus和Grafana。

为了得到这些监控面板的模板,可以先修改Pulsar的部署,将pulsar helm chart中的Grafana启用,导出Pulsar各个组件的监控模板后,再将pulsar helm chart中的Grafana禁用。



  1. 在Grafana中创建监控面板模板中的Prometheus数据源,要求名称一致
  2. 通过修改Prometheus的配置确保Promethues对每个组件的job名称与监控面板模板中的名称一致
    • proxy组件的job为proxy
    • broker组件的job名称为broker
    • bookies组件的job名称为bookie
    • zookeeper组件的job名称为zookeeper


1    - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods'
2      kubernetes_sd_configs:
3      - role: pod
4      relabel_configs:
6      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_component]
7        action: replace
8        target_label: job



配置监控告警规则 #


  2- name: zookeeper
  3  rules:
  4  - alert: HighWatchers
  5    expr: zookeeper_server_watches_count{job="zookeeper"} > 1000000
  6    for: 30s
  7    labels:
  8      status: warning
  9    annotations:
 10      summary: "Watchers of Zookeeper server is over than 1000k."
 11      description: "Watchers of Zookeeper server {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 1000k, current value is {{ $value }}."
 13  - alert: HighEphemerals
 14    expr: zookeeper_server_ephemerals_count{job="zookeeper"} > 10000
 15    for: 30s
 16    labels:
 17      status: warning
 18    annotations:
 19      summary: "Ephemeral nodes of Zookeeper server is over than 10k."
 20      description: "Ephemeral nodes of Zookeeper server {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 10k, current value is {{ $value }}."
 22  - alert: HighConnections
 23    expr: zookeeper_server_connections{job="zookeeper"} > 10000
 24    for: 30s
 25    labels:
 26      status: warning
 27    annotations:
 28      summary: "Connections of Zookeeper server is over than 10k."
 29      description: "Connections of Zookeeper server {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 10k, current value is {{ $value }}."
 31  - alert: HighDataSize
 32    expr: zookeeper_server_data_size_bytes{job="zookeeper"} > 107374182400
 33    for: 30s
 34    labels:
 35      status: warning
 36    annotations:
 37      summary: "Data size of Zookeeper server is over than 100TB."
 38      description: "Data size of Zookeeper server {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 100TB, current value is {{ $value }}."
 40  - alert: HighRequestThroughput
 41    expr: sum(irate(zookeeper_server_requests{job="zookeeper"}[30s])) by (type) > 1000
 42    for: 30s
 43    labels:
 44      status: warning
 45    annotations:
 46      summary: "Request throughput on Zookeeper server is over than 1000 in 30 seconds."
 47      description: "Request throughput of {{ $labels.type}} on Zookeeper server {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 1k, current value is {{ $value }}."
 49  - alert: HighRequestLatency
 50    expr: zookeeper_server_requests_latency_ms{job="zookeeper", quantile="0.99"} > 100
 51    for: 30s
 52    labels:
 53      status: warning
 54    annotations:
 55      summary: "Request latency on Zookeeper server is over than 100ms."
 56      description: "Request latency {{ $labels.type }} in p99 on Zookeeper server {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 100ms, current value is {{ $value }} ms."
 58- name: bookie
 59  rules:
 60  - alert: HighEntryAddLatency
 61    expr: bookkeeper_server_ADD_ENTRY_REQUEST{job="bookie", quantile="0.99", success="true"} > 100
 62    for: 30s
 63    labels:
 64      status: warning
 65    annotations:
 66      summary: "Entry add latency is over than 100ms"
 67      description: "Entry add latency on bookie {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 100ms, current value is {{ $value }}."
 69  - alert: HighEntryReadLatency
 70    expr: bookkeeper_server_READ_ENTRY_REQUEST{job="bookie", quantile="0.99", success="true"} > 1000
 71    for: 30s
 72    labels:
 73      status: warning
 74    annotations:
 75      summary: "Entry read latency is over than 1s"
 76      description: "Entry read latency on bookie {{ $labels.instance }} is over than 1s, current value is {{ $value }}."
 78- name: broker
 79  rules:
 80  - alert: StorageWriteLatencyOverflow
 81    expr: pulsar_storage_write_latency{job="broker"} > 1000
 82    for: 30s
 83    labels:
 84      status: danger
 85    annotations:
 86      summary: "Topic write data to storage latency overflow is more than 1000."
 87      description: "Topic {{ $labels.topic }} is more than 1000 messages write to storage latency overflow , current value is {{ $value }}."
 89  - alert: TooManyTopics
 90    expr: sum(pulsar_topics_count{job="broker"}) by (cluster) > 1000000
 91    for: 30s
 92    labels:
 93      status: warning
 94    annotations:
 95      summary: "Topic count are over than 1000000."
 96      description: "Topic count in cluster {{ $labels.cluster }} is more than 1000000 , current value is {{ $value }}."
 98  - alert: TooManyProducersOnTopic
 99    expr: pulsar_producers_count > 10000
100    for: 30s
101    labels:
102      status: warning
103    annotations:
104      summary: "Producers on topic are more than 10000."
105      description: "Producers on topic {{ $labels.topic }} is more than 10000 , current value is {{ $value }}."
107  - alert: TooManySubscriptionsOnTopic
108    expr: pulsar_subscriptions_count > 100
109    for: 30s
110    labels:
111      status: warning
112    annotations:
113      summary: "Subscriptions on topic are more than 100."
114      description: "Subscriptions on topic {{ $labels.topic }} is more than 100 , current value is {{ $value }}."
116  - alert: TooManyConsumersOnTopic
117    expr: pulsar_consumers_count > 10000
118    for: 30s
119    labels:
120      status: warning
121    annotations:
122      summary: "Consumers on topic are more than 10000."
123      description: "Consumers on topic {{ $labels.topic }} is more than 10000 , current value is {{ $value }}."
125  - alert: TooManyBacklogsOnTopic
126    expr: pulsar_msg_backlog > 50000
127    for: 30s
128    labels:
129      status: warning
130    annotations:
131      summary: "Backlogs of topic are more than 50000."
132      description: "Backlogs of topic {{ $labels.topic }} is more than 50000 , current value is {{ $value }}."
134  - alert: TooManyGeoBacklogsOnTopic
135    expr: pulsar_replication_backlog > 50000
136    for: 30s
137    labels:
138      status: warning
139    annotations:
140      summary: "Geo backlogs of topic are more than 50000."
141      description: "Geo backlogs of topic {{ $labels.topic }} is more than 50000, current value is {{ $value }}."

参考 #

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